Our tutorial group will research Frei Otto and Elizabeth Diller as clients for Experiment 2. Following are the 5 concepts for each client that arose out of discussions from our last studio tutorial.
Elizabeth Diller
1. Freeflowing, interconnected spaces and programs
2. Skin/surface and ideas of porosity, depth of field
3. Specific, crafted relationship to surroundings/environment
4. Manipulation of 'natural' elements as building materials (foliage, mist etc)
5. Use of technology to enhance spatial field (video, sound etc)
Frei Otto
1. Efficiency of structure/materiality and space
2. Experimental and unique
3. Static/stable states - tensile models as basis for creating areodynamic undulating forms
4. Biomimicry - looking to different cell structures as inspiration (soap bubbles etc)
5. Weightlessness and all encompassing superstructures/spaces
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